Toward a world full of "health and beauty"
‍ permanence

Abe Yoando Logo

We, Abe Yoando Pharmaceuticals, are committed tomaximizing the value of our brand andcreating a healthier and more beautiful worldto
illuminate the future andleave abetter environment for the next generation.
We not only provide NMN products and otherservices that supportpeopletolive beautiful and supple lives, but also
international society and local We are also actively involved insocial contributionactivities.

Environmental Initiatives

Reforestation activities in Brazilian apiaries

Organic propolis is the highest grade of plant-derived propolis. In order to be the first in the world to start selling organic propolis in 2002, we started with the environmental improvement of organic apiaries in Brazil. Since high-quality medicinal herbs are the source of high-quality propolis, we cooperate with the apiary's medicinal herb planting activities.

Environmental Initiatives

Coexistence with protected animals

Encouragement to keep shelter dogs and cats

Puppies and kittens sold at pet stores are often separated from their mothers at an early age, and therefore do not receive enough love and affection, or grow up sickly and weak because they do not have the immune system provided by their mother's milk. On the other hand, pets abandoned by humans at local shelters are often killed. For this reason, we provide a monthly allowance to employees who foster pets from shelters to help reduce the sale of pets.

Assistance to Alma General Incorporated Association

We value "Jin," which means "consideration and compassion," in our corporate philosophy. In order to save as many lives as possible, we are constantly thinking about the preciousness and importance of life, accepting the reality that 180,000 dogs and cats are killed each year.

Assistance to Alma General Incorporated Association

Creating an Animal-Friendly Office

Foster care dogs and cats Foster care allowance

If an employee fosters a pet from a shelter or other source, the company provides a monthly shelter animal allowance.


Business hours occupy 1/3 of the day. We welcome employees to bring their pets to work, as we want them to be able to work in an environment where they can see their beloved dogs and cats. This symbiosis with animals also leads to rich communication among members.

company-internal system
Coexistence with protected animals